Haringey Sixth Form College


Each session began with Tom Kirkham, Lendlease’s Development Project Manager for High Road West, delivering a presentation on Lendlease, our values and our iconic projects followed by our vision for High Road West. Students were inspired by the vision for the scheme and expressed a desire to be involved in shaping the masterplan.

The team then separated into pairs and chatted to the groups of students about their career aspirations, how our own careers had evolved and changed over the years – and how, in many instances, we were not on the career path we thought we would be on in our teens!

Some of the students aspire for careers in the property industry and were encouraged to keep in contact regarding work experience and apprenticeship opportunities. They were also invited to visit our drop-in sessions, to be held at The Grange, to give their input on what they would like to see introduced into the plans for young people living in the area.

The team will be returning to the College in May 2018 to engage their 1,000 pupils in shaping the High Road West Masterplan.