High Road West Overview
High Road West will bring wide reaching improvements to North Tottenham, delivering on the priorities we have heard from the community including:
- Over 2,600 high quality new homes and 40% affordable housing, of which at least 500 will be council homes at council rents.
- Over 3,500 jobs and over 1,500 training opportunities
- New and improved community facilities such as a Library and Learning Centre
- Space to support local employment, education and training opportunities
- A brand new public park and civic square

Thank you to everyone that gave their valuable feedback across spring 2021 on the evolving masterplan for the scheme currently known as High Road West. This has helped shape our proposals, which you can read in our Information Booklet below. This booklet includes updates on the masterplan, and the detailed design for the first new homes to be built in the area we’re calling ‘Whitehall Mews’. Download the Masterplan and Whitehall Mews Update Information Booklet below for more information.
If you would like to read more about the High Road West Resident Ballot, please visit the dedicated page on Haringey Council website.